Saturday, 30 October 2021


Dylan Jones It’s wonderful news that the Welsh government has decided to make black and Asian history compulsory in Welsh schools . I also see that ethnic minority history is being made compulsory . So therefore I hope that Welsh history will also be made compulsory as it should have made years ago. Welsh children know very little about Owain Glyndwr and William Williams Pantycelyn but seem to have a better knowledge of Mohammed and the bar mitzvah. In the spirit of equality and diversity surely Welsh history should be made compulsory as well or is that not prejudicial to the indigenous people of Wales to also have a better knowledge of their own heritage and culture ? Nawr te Plaid Cymru a Chymdeithas Yr Iaith ble ych chi’n sefyll ar hyn ? Dw i ddim gyda llaw yn son am addysg am Hanes Cymru drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn unig chwaith . Sian's reply Cytuno'n llwyr gant y cant! Mae'n anghredadwy ein bod fel cenedl yn rhuthro i achub hawliau pob cenedl dan haul i sicrhau bod eu hanes yn cael ei dderbyn fel rhan annatod o'r cwricwlwm Cymreig tra'n anwybyddu ein hawl fel cenedl i sicrhau cyfiawnder o'r un fath i'n hanes brodorol ein hunain. Pwy sydd am gychwyn ymgyrch i fynnu bod ein hanes brodorol yn cael blaenoriaeth fel pwnc yn y cwricwlwm ar gyfer ein hysgolion yn Nghymru. MAE HANES CYMRU YN CYFRI YN OGYSTAL! Totally agree 100% ! It is unbelievable, not to mention unsavoury, that we are as a nation rushing to the fore to save the right of every nation under the sun to have their history accepted as an essential part of the Cymric curriculum whilst ignoring our right as a nation. Question now is...who will start a campaign in earnest to ensure the same right and justice for our own Cymric history in the curriculum of our native Cymric schools> WELSH HISTORY MATTERS TOO!

Thursday, 28 October 2021



Mae'r dydd bron wedi cyrraedd o'r diwedd pryd fydd y Pwyllgorau Deisebau yn Llywodraeth Cymru yn trafod y ddeiseb ac er bod y theatr ac adeiladau'r Coleg wedi eu prynu erbyn hyn (Gweler mwy o fanylion yn y post diwethaf) gobeithir bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud bopeth o fewn eu gallu i gydweithio a'r perchennog newydd i sicrhau bod y Coleg yn cael ei adnewyddu a'i ddefnyddio fel Coleg unwaith eto i gynnig addysg a hyfforddiant mewn sgiliau i'r diwaith.

Gweler y manylion ar gyfer y cyfarfod pnawn llun. Mae modd i chi ddilyn y cyfan ar Senedd TV.

Bydd  y ddeiseb yn cael ei hystyried yn cyfarfod nesaf y Pwyllgor Ddeisebau ar ddydd Llun 1 Tachwedd am 14.00. 

 Dyma linc i’r agenda a phapurau cyhoeddus er eich gwybodaeth: 

 Bydd darllediad byw o’r cyfarfod ar gael ar Senedd.TV yma:

At last, the day is almost here when the Petition Committee at the Welsh Government will be discussing the petition. It is now over a year since the petition was launched and much has happened since then. The Coleg buildings and Theatre have been bought so that part of the petition which calls for the Welsh Government to purchase the Coleg is no longer applicable but the rest of the request still stands in so much that the Welsh Government should now work with the new owner to renovate and develop the Coleg to be put back into use as an educational and skill teaching establishment for the unemployed of Cymru.

See below details of the upcoming Petition Committee meeting.

The  petition will be considered at the next meeting of the Petition Committee on Monday 1 November at 14.00. 

 Here's a link to the Agenda and Public Papers for your consideration: 

 A live broadcast of the meeting will be available on Senedd.TV at:


Monday, 25 October 2021


 Mae Peter yn Gymro Di-Gymreig a bu'n fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Harlech rhwng 1978-80 ac ers i'r ddeiseb gael ei lawnsio'r adeg yma llynedd, bu'n weithgar iawn yn ei hyrwyddo gyda fi a Padi Phillips, cyn fyfyriwr arall o'r Coleg. Fel modd o roi un hwb fawr arall i'r ddeiseb cyn iddi gael ei thrafod ar y 1af o Dachwedd eleni, rydym, fel grŵp bychan wedi bod yn gofyn i gefnogwyr y ddeiseb i llythyru at y Pwyllgor deisebau i leisio barn ar y pwysicrwydd o sicrhau bod y Coleg yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel Coleg addysgu a hyfforddi sgiliau yn y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod. I'r diben hyn, mae Peter wedi cyfansoddi'r llythyr isod sy'n lythyr rhagorol yn fy marn i ac un sy'n wir werth ei rhannu i ddangos i bawb beth ellir ei wneud â'r Coleg er budd y diwaith a'r economi lleol a chenedlaethol.


Peter is a non Cymric speaking Cymro and was a student in Coleg Harlech in the years 1978-80 and since the petition was launched last winter, he has been very active in promoting the petition along with myself and Padi Phillips another ex student of the Coleg. As a means of giving the petition a final big push of support before it is discussed by the Petition Committee on the 1st of November, we, as a group, have been requesting supporters to write to the Petition Committee to view their opinions in regards to how important they consider it to be to assure that the Coleg continues to be used as an educational and skill teaching establishment in the future. Towards this end, Peter has penned the letter below which, in my view is brilliant  and well worth sharing as it clearly shows how the Coleg, if used as an educational and skill training establishment, can be of great value in regards to tackling unemployment and in boosting the local and national economy.


Dear Committee Secretary

I write in support of the petition to regenerate Coleg Harlech and the staggering 6665 other signatures that also support this aim. 

Please provide my views to all members of the petitions committee.. I voice my support for the following 'non pecuniary' interests and I would be delighted to speak to the committee if they thought that my story or opinion was worthwhile hearing in person.. 

1.. Loss of this 'Institution' to the landscape, history and Labour movement of Wales.
Coleg Harlech, like Ruskin in England, is a unique educational place, which gave many people a second chance at education and learning. Times move on, but if this was Eton or Harrow, a purpose would be found that was worthwhile for the place in a vibrant 21st century Wales. I went there at 21 and it changed my life. I have spent a lifetime in public service and believe I have repaid what the public purse gave me. Because a Tory government in England changed the funding rules years ago, it shouldn't mean that a Welsh Labour government are unable to value the history, vision and purpose of this wonderful place. 

Since starting my working life after CH and Cardiff University I have spent a lifetime in economic development and regeneration. I can see what can be done at Harlech and know probably how much it would cost. For the sake of these millions cannot a message of hope and vision be achieved by today's politicians. 

2. There is no getting around the story of the way that the place was closed and its assets sold off into the private market. This despite best efforts of local stakeholders and former staff over years to find a dignified future. 
Surely as a people and as leaders within our community we are better than this. What actual right did the WG have to support the WEA to shut the doors of this once thriving institute and put its paintings, books and building assets on the market to be disputed by people who only see the opportunity to make a buck. The stain of this needs to be removed from the public conscience. I am overwhelmed that nearly 7000 other people feel as I do, from x students, to people who love architecture to the recently elected AM who proposed a real vision for a new CH to be created that would give back again to Wales and the wider world. 

3. Current options for creating an imaginative and radical alternative centre of learning, fit for a vision of a proud, outward looking Wales.
Speak to the AM for the region, here what he thinks might be achieved, better open the conversation up to public consultation, or be really brave and earmark £20m of WG, GCC and Heritage lottery funding to recreate a powerhouse that drives culture, education and ambition forward from this place. Think of this place as you would the AMRC C at Broughton, an investment in the future of Wales. 

4. Opportunity for regenerative impact on region, town and local people and creation of a place that creates a better, greener future Wales. 
Ardudwy and the town are in desperate conditions. People cannot live through tourism alone. When I lived in Harlech the High Street thrived and there were 4 pubs, a magnificent hotel and a cultural centre. That was with 120 people. Just imagine what could be achieved if there were 400 students or post grads doing 30 weeks a year and a Coleg that employed 120 local people ?

Clearly in the near future there is going to be an amazing technology opportunity associated with the Llanbedr airfield and Trawsfynydd Nuclear reactor centre. Capitalise on this, make Harlech the centre of development for the people who will work in these technologies. Take a proactive and remarkable decision about and for this part of Wales. Give it hope as well as beautiful views. 

5. The positives that can be gained from working with the current owner of the Theatre and Wern Fawr. 
There is a new owner of the Theatre and Wern Fawr, we wish him well and we would like to work with him. Imagine the backing that 7000 interested people could provide for imputus. Please make sure that the relatively small current inputs don't become a 'planning gain' game or future trojan horse for a future upmarket hotel complex. Whilst in recent weeks we have seen positive if slow progress, following on a couple of months ago, witnessing the heartbreaking and unacceptable position of the Theatre having been given into the hands of an obvious charlatan. This is not who the public sector should support and not what the public purse should want to support. Be bold, take initiative, lead.

By all means, work with the new owner and I hope his philanthropy is credible, but don't hide behind a spurious hope that this place of learning, this centre of culture, this place of transformation will be delivered for you by people with their eyes on doing a good deal and picking up an asset for a song.  .

My best wishes and I am open to discussion at any point. 

Peter Evans


Friday, 15 October 2021



Ymddengys bod  Coleg Harlech a Theatr Ardudwy wedi ei brynu erbyn hyn gan gyfreithiwr o'r enw Nigel Bowen-Morris sydd a chyfeiriad busnes yn Llundain ond sy'n byw yn wlad Groeg. 

Bu yna firi mawr, llawer mwy dramatig nac unrhyw anterliwt byddai wedi gallu cael ei gyfansoddi gan  Moliere neu Dwm o'r Nant yn gysylltiedig a Theatr Ardudwy yn ystod y flwyddyn yma pan gynigwyd lês y theatr i ddyn ifanc o'r enw Callum O' Sullivan  o 'KMD Productions. Carlamodd Callum o berfeddoedd Lloegr i Harlech i gychwyn ar y gwaith o benodi pobl i swyddi nag oedd yn bodoli a hysbysebu llwyth o gynhyrchiadau nad oedd a gobaith mul o gael eu llwyfannu oherwydd cyflwr trychinebus y theatr ar yr adeg hynny.  Gweler adroddiad am hanes y 'miri' mewn erthygl o'r cylchgrawn Stage yn y ddolen isod.

Y newyddion diweddaraf yw bod yna waith cynnal a chadw trwyadl yn cymryd lle ar ac o gwmpas y theatr, Wern Fawr a mannau eraill o gwmpas y coleg a bod yna gynlluniau pendant yn cymryd lle i ddefnyddio'r theatr yn y dyfodol agos. Gweler isod yr adroddiad diweddaraf a gyhoeddwyd gan Tony Springfield sydd, erbyn hyn, yn arolygydd a rheolwr ar y prosiect cyfan yn ogystal a bod yn gyfarwyddwr artistic.  


Architectural work  

Mr Rhys Davies, a conservation architect, has been appointed for the repair of the link section (between Wern Fawr and the Theatre) to enable the toilet block to be brought back into use. The project is in the process of securing a grant under the Harlech Conservation Area Grants Scheme and the architect is obtaining costings and preparing a schedule of works for this work. Building control advise that, subject to their other requirements, if the toilet facilities can be brought back then the theatre section facilities can be used by the public once the internal work has been completed, (electrics, repair of broken seats, curtain refurbished, stage tech and equipment etc) which is all being researched at the moment.. We are also in constant communication with CADW and Snowdonia National Parks Trust to ensure we maintain the heritage elements of the site. 

Concrete panels on the theatre  

The concrete specialist CRL, who assessed the building in 2016, undertook a site visit last month. The architect and building control were also present. CRL checked the current status of the concrete panels on the theatre and concluded that the deterioration of the concrete is a result of weathering and is not a structural problem. By way of follow up, building control requested that the netting over the concrete be checked. This check was conducted last week and the netting appears to be serviceable and in good order. A report is awaited confirming this and once received it will be submitted to building control for review and approval. Subject to approval, the theatre and courtyard should then be available for public events. There are also some internal repair items that need addressing in the theatre. In addition, the old oil central heating system for the site apparently has integrated pipework linking all 3 buildings and so, according to the heating engineers who have checked the system last month, the theatre cannot be heated separately at the moment (I understand that it was unheated during its final days of use, maybe for this reason). We are checking options, either repairing the existing system or having a green alternative system (air source heat pump) for just the theatre. Clearly heating all 3 buildings just to use the theatre would not make much sense environmentally or economically. We understand that an air source system would require new pipework as well as a new unit. This needs further investigation and costing. 

Project aims  

The aim of the current project is to bring the buildings back in to use in a phased manner, and taking a conservative approach. It is assumed that funding may, or may not, be available. On this basis, therefore, the project assumes that it would need to be self-sustaining based on cash-inflow being greater than cash-outflow, with any surplus being put back in to the project for longer term repairs. This would mean a modest start but as cash inflow strengthens, the buildings and site facilities can be improved and upgraded over time. Any successful grants would be an added bonus. As the architect is a conservation specialist the phased improvements would be sympathetic, in line with the listing status and of conservation standard.  

Use of facilities  

It is anticipated that the courtyard will be the first area to be available for use. This will enable outdoor events to be held. The plan is to aim to have some courtyard activity by the end of the year, subject to all consents being in place. The events would be compatible with the community feedback received to date. Any surplus income from these activities would be put towards the funding building repairs.  

Once the courtyard has been brought back into use, the aim would be to open the theatre and bar, again subject to all consents being in place. This would enable cinema/concerts to be held in the auditorium, with the bar open for refreshments. The bar would also be available separately. Internal events are expected to be modest to start with. For example, the cinema will be revived - the nearest cinema is in Barmouth at the moment. Surplus income from these activities would again be used to fund general building repairs.  

Once the theatre and bar are back in use, the classrooms in the theatre section can also be used for education and learning events and a schedule of events and activities can be developed. It is hoped that these will draw on, and support, local academic knowledge and skills and be in the innovative spirit of George Davidson.  

Operating income  

The aim is to develop a modest operating income in the first 18 months in order to cover operating costs and to show that a viable and sustainable project is achievable on the site. From this a master plan can be developed with a longer term vision. A sustainable approach from the outset will provide a base from which grant funding may be secured on the basis that the project is a viable one.  

Site preparation  

A lot of groundwork has been undertaken to date in order to make the site usable, after a long period of being out of use. This has included researching, contacting and meeting with all the potential contractors and suppliers that are needed to facilitate the short-term project goals and the longer term capital improvements. A number of quotes are required for each piece of work, to ensure value for money and appropriate quality. The areas of work that need to be considered are extensive, including electrics, bar supplies, marquees, light and sound specialists, stage curtain refurbishment, seating refurbishment, liaison with services, including building control, architect, fire officers, planning, licensing, PRS and PPL, insurance etc. Capital works to be assessed have required contact with specialists, including the obtaining of estimates for concrete repair, the copper roof repair, the Wern Fawr roof repair, water ingress and dry rot issues, etc. There has been a need for extensive physical clearance of the site, including removing the extensive vegetation growth around the buildings to enable access and to reveal the formal gardens. Skips have been hired for the removal of rubbish and unwanted items from the previous occupier. Around the perimeter of the site security cameras and lighting have been put in place and various gates repaired. The large iron entrance gates have been serviced so that they are functional, while the side doors along the road are currently being repaired and will be re-hung. A carpenter has made new doors for the theatre get-in building on a like-for-like basis and a new fire escape door has been hung in the auditorium. New panels have been made to replace rotten ones on the get-in building. Substantial security locks have been fitted on various doors to prevent any unwanted access, which has had a positive effect on site security.  

We will give another update in a few months." 

Tony Stringfellow 

Swnio'n addawol iawn tydi,, cyn belled a bod y theatr yn y cwestiwn beth bynnag, ac ymddengys bod y perchennog a Stringfellow yn cydweithio a chyrff megis Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, Cyngor Gwynedd, Cadw a Llywodraeth Cymru, ond, beth am y darlun mawr cyn belled a bod safle Coleg Harlech yn ei gyfanrwydd yn y cwestiwn? 

Cefais wybod o ffynhonnell credadwy bod y datblygiad sydd i gymryd lle yn adeilad Wern Fawr yn cynnwys ,'fflatiau moethus' ar gyfer ymwelwyr, dyna'r peth diwethaf mae Cymuned Harlech yn eu hangen a byddai'n warthus o beth os yw' n fwriad gan y cyrff a nodir uchod i ddefnyddio arian cyhoeddus i ariannu prosiect o'r fath a hwythau yn ymwybodol iawn o freguswydd y gymuned fel cymuned Gymraeg ac o'r chwerder sy'n bodoli yn barod drwy'r fro Gymraeg oherwydd y cynnydd aruthrol mewn tai haf ar hyd a lled cymunedau sydd wastrad wedi hystyried eu hunain yn gymunedau Cymraeg, hyd yma.  

Yn y ddeiseb cychwynais pan oedd y Coleg ar werth am y trydydd tro llynedd, gofynnwyd i Lywodraeth Cymru brynu Coleg Harlech a'r Theatr a'u hadnewyddu i'w hen ogoniantl ar gyfer hyfforddi ein pobl ddi-waith yn y  sgiliau ymarferol, technegol a phroffesiynol hynny bydd eu hangen i ailadeiladu strwythur ac economi ein cenedl er budd a ffyniant cyfartal pawb. Gweler y ddolen i'r ddeiseb isod. 

bu i 6,600 lofnodi'r ddeiseb o fewn y chwe mis y caniertawyd iddi fod ar agor, mae hyn yn rhif parchus mewn cenedl fach fel Cymru sydd, i bob pwrpas, wedi colli'r ffydd yn llwyr mewn gwleidyddiaeth. Pan agorwyd y ddeiseb, roedd angen cael 5,000 o lofnodion i sicrhau bod y ddeiseb a'r cyfle i gael ei thrafod ar lawr y siambr ond newidwyd y rheol tra roedd y ddeiseb yn brysur cyrraedd y darged o 5000, a'r  rheol newydd wedi hynny oedd bod angen 10,000 o lofnodion cyn y dyddiad cau! 

Serch hynny, pan drafodwyd y ddeiseb gan y Pwyllgor Deisebau ar Mawrth 2 eleni, awgrymodd Lianne Woods, a oedd yn aelod o'r Pwyllgor Deisebau ar y pryd, bod unrhyw benderfyniad terfynol parthed y ddeiseb yn cael ei ohirio hyd at gyfarfod cyntaf y Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi i Etholiadau'r Senedd gymryd lle yn mis Mai. 

A dyna fydd yn digwydd ar y 1af o Dachwedd, mae Lianne Woods wedi mynd wrth gwrs ac mae na aelodau newydd ar y Pwyllgor Deisebau a nhw fydd yn trafod y ddeiseb dan sylw ac, fel yn mis Mawrth, gellir dilyn y drafodaeth ar ddull ZOOM. 

Byddaf yn postio'r ddolen i'r cyfarfod Zoom unwaith i fi ei dderbyn ond, wrth gwrs, mae'r Coleg wedi ei brynu erbyn hyn ac er bod pethau'n edrych yn addawol ar gyfer Theatr Ardudwy, mae na le i bryderu o hyd parthed y cynlluniau ar gyfer Wern Fawr, h.y. Os mai'r bwriad yw i adnewyddu ac addasu Wern Fawr i fod yn fflatiau Gwyliau moethus gyda arian cyhoeddus yna, mae'n bwysig bod y cyhoedd yn ymwybodol o hyn.  

Fel y dwedais, mae Cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Deisebau yn cymryd lle ar y 1af o Dachwedd ac os ydych am sgwennu atynt i leisio eich pryderon nad yw  Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i weithredu yn unol a'r alwad yn y ddeiseb h,y, bob safle ac adeiladau'r Coleg yn cael eu adnewyddu ar gyfer y defnydd o ddarparu addysg ar gyfer pob math o sgiliau, hên a newydd, ar gyfer Cymry sy'n byw mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig ac sydd ddim wedi cael cyfleoedd gwaith sy'n talu cyflogau teilwng am ddegawdau, mae gennych tan dydd llun nesaf y 18fed o Hydref i yrru nodyn i leisio barn. Dwi wedi gyrru'r llythyr isod atynt ac mae croeso i unrhyw un gopio'r llythyr yma neu, gwell fyth, cyfansoddi un eich hunan. 

Gweler fy llythyr i isod. 

Parthed deiseb P-05-1130 Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ail-brynu ac adnewyddu Coleg Harlech 

Annwyl Aelodau o'r Pwyllgor Deisebau, 

Fel y gwyddoch, trafodwyd y ddeiseb dan sylw yn nghyfarfod eich pwyllgor am y tro cyntaf ar 2 Mawrth eleni a chytunwyd yn y cyfarfod hwnnw ar y camau a ganlyn: 

I ysgrifennu atom ni, y deisebwyr, i nodi'r amser cyfyngedig iawn oedd yn weddill yn nhymor presennol y Senedd a throsglwyddo’r ddeiseb i'r pwyllgor a fyddai'n olynu ar gyfer ei thrafod yn y Chweched Senedd.  

Deallaf bod cyfarfod cyntaf Pwyllgor Deisebau y Chweched Senedd yn cymryd lle ar y 1 o Dachwedd ac y bydd y ddeiseb dan sylw ar agenda y cyfarfod.  

Dwi ar ddeall yn ogystal bod y rhan mwyaf o Safle Coleg Harlech, sy'n cynnwys yr adeiladau cofrestriedig, Wern Fawr a Theatr Ardudwy, wedi eu prynu gan ddatblygwr erbyn hyn ac er mae'r rheswm dros drefnu'r ddeiseb yn y lle cyntaf oedd i ddarbwyllo'r Senedd i ail-brynu'r Coleg unigryw yma er mwyn sicrhau y byddai'n cael ei adnewyddu a'i ddefnyddio fel safle addysgiadol ar gyfer y Cymry, dwi'n hynod o falch i ddeall bod y perchennog newydd wedi cychwyn ar y gwaith o drwsio a thacluso'r safle fel modd o'i rhwytro rhag dirywio mwy yn ystod y gaeaf sydd ar y gorwel. 

Ond, mae'n orfodol i fi fynegi fy mod yn hynod o siomedig fod Llywodraeth Cymru ddim wedi camu i'r fei i achub trysorau o adeiladau mor eiconic ynghyd a Choleg mor unigryw ac er bod yna waith chynnal a chadw yn cymryd lle ar y safle, dwi'n pryderu'n fawr am ddyfodol y safle gan fy mod ar ddeall bod cynllun ar y gweill i addasu Wern Fawr i fod yn fflatiau gwyliau moethus. 

Fflatiau gwyliau moethus yw'r peth diwethaf mae Harlech ei angen a dwi'n gobeithio'n fawr na fydd arian cyhoeddus yn cael ei roi mewn grantiau i ddatblygu menter o'r fath mewn ardal sy'n crefu am adfywiad economaidd ac mewn adeiladau Coleg a ddylai fod yn cael eu defnyddio ar gyfer addysgu pob math o sgiliau, hên a newydd,ar gyfer Cymry sy'n byw mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig ac sydd ddim wedi cael cyfleoedd gwaith sy'n talu cyflogau teilwng am ddegawdau. 

Felly, er bod Coleg Harlech wedi ei brynu erbyn hyn, mae'r ail rhan o'r alwad ar y ddeiseb yn gymwys o hyd, fel a ganlyn: 

"Bydd y byd ar ôl Covid-19 yn hollol wahanol i'r byd cyn Covid-19 yr oeddem yn gyfarwydd ag ef. Bydd economïau’n cael eu dinistrio - rydym eisoes yn gweld hynny’n dechrau digwydd, a bydd angen ailadeiladu cenhedloedd ac economïau. Mae synnwyr cyffredin yn dweud y bydd angen yr holl offer posibl, a hynny’n offer dynol ac offer adeiladu, er mwyn ailadeiladu cenhedloedd a'u heconomïau. Os caiff Coleg Harlech ei adnewyddu i'w hen ogoniant, bydd ganddo’r holl ofynion angenrheidiol ar gyfer hyfforddi ein pobl ddi-waith i ddatblygu’r holl sgiliau ymarferol, technegol a phroffesiynol sydd eu hangen i ailadeiladu strwythur ac economi ein cenedl er budd a ffyniant cyfartal pawb".  

Erfynnaf ar y Pwyllgor Deisebau i ystyried beth dylai fod yn flaenoriaeth ar gyfer defnydd o'r Coleg, unai ei adfer yn addas ar gyfer dyfodol economi Harlech a Chymru yn ei gyfanrwydd neu ei ddatblygu fel fflatiau gwyliau moethus? Cofiwch, mae arian o'r pwrs cyhoeddus fydd y rhan mwyaf o'r arian fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio, beth bynnag fydd y dewis. 

Yn gywir 

Siân Ifan 

Ar ran Grŵp Gweithredu i Achub Coleg Harlech a Theatr Ardudwy  

 Nodyn ychwanegol Pwysig: Dylid gyrru eich sylwadau yn gefnogaeth i'r ail alwad yn y ddeiseb i mailto: SeneddDeisebau@Cynulliad.Cymru  erbyn dydd llun nesaf 18fed o Hydref Diolch.