Saturday 30 October 2021


Dylan Jones It’s wonderful news that the Welsh government has decided to make black and Asian history compulsory in Welsh schools . I also see that ethnic minority history is being made compulsory . So therefore I hope that Welsh history will also be made compulsory as it should have made years ago. Welsh children know very little about Owain Glyndwr and William Williams Pantycelyn but seem to have a better knowledge of Mohammed and the bar mitzvah. In the spirit of equality and diversity surely Welsh history should be made compulsory as well or is that not prejudicial to the indigenous people of Wales to also have a better knowledge of their own heritage and culture ? Nawr te Plaid Cymru a Chymdeithas Yr Iaith ble ych chi’n sefyll ar hyn ? Dw i ddim gyda llaw yn son am addysg am Hanes Cymru drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn unig chwaith . Sian's reply Cytuno'n llwyr gant y cant! Mae'n anghredadwy ein bod fel cenedl yn rhuthro i achub hawliau pob cenedl dan haul i sicrhau bod eu hanes yn cael ei dderbyn fel rhan annatod o'r cwricwlwm Cymreig tra'n anwybyddu ein hawl fel cenedl i sicrhau cyfiawnder o'r un fath i'n hanes brodorol ein hunain. Pwy sydd am gychwyn ymgyrch i fynnu bod ein hanes brodorol yn cael blaenoriaeth fel pwnc yn y cwricwlwm ar gyfer ein hysgolion yn Nghymru. MAE HANES CYMRU YN CYFRI YN OGYSTAL! Totally agree 100% ! It is unbelievable, not to mention unsavoury, that we are as a nation rushing to the fore to save the right of every nation under the sun to have their history accepted as an essential part of the Cymric curriculum whilst ignoring our right as a nation. Question now is...who will start a campaign in earnest to ensure the same right and justice for our own Cymric history in the curriculum of our native Cymric schools> WELSH HISTORY MATTERS TOO!