Monday 8 February 2021



Does ond 6 diwrnod ar ôl nes bydd y ddeiseb yn erfyn ar Lywodraeth Cymru i achub Coleg Harlech (y coleg unigryw yma sydd wedi roi profiad 'unigryw ynghŷd, â'r 'cyfle cyntaf i addysg uwch,' i cymaint o rhengoedd y dosbarth gweithiol yn Nghymru a thu hwnt) yn cyrraedd y dyddiad cau. Hyd yma, mae yna 2.656 o lofnodion ar y ddeiseb, dros 550 o rhain wedi ymddangos yn y chwe diwrnod diwethaf wedi i hen fyfyrwyr y Coleg ynghŷd â chyfeillion ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol fynd i'r afael o ddifrif i wneud bopeth o fewn eu gallu i gael llofnodion - sy'n dangos beth ellir ei wneud os yw'r ewyllys yn bodoli.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn 'mynnu' erbyn hyn bod angen 10,000 o lofnodion ar ddeisebau yn hytrach na'r 5,000 a ofyynnid amdano yn wreiddiol (pryd derbynwyd y ddeiseb dan sylw ganddynt) os yw'r pwnc i'w drafod ar lawr y siambr ac, wrth reswm, does fawr o obaith o gael 7,300 o lofnodion mewn chwe niwrnod ond, o ystyried fod yna 550 wedi llofnodi yn y chwe diwrnod diwethaf, gellir cyrraedd y 5,000 o lofnodion a ofynnwyd amdanynt yn wreiddiol os, gwneir ymdrech arbennig gan pawb sy'n darllen y neges yma i roi chydig o'u hamser i bendroni parthed pwy arall sydd ar gael i gefnogi'r achos drwy arwyddo'r ddeiseb.

Dewch i bob un ohonom sy'n wirioneddol o ddifrif ynghyd a rhwystro sefydliadau pwysig ac unigryw fel Coleg Harlech, ynghyd a thir ein gwlad, rhag cael eu rheibio a'u gwerthu i estroniaid ysglyfaethus, yrru'r neges allan yn glir...TYDI CYMRU DDIM AR WERTH! a dewch i ni yrru'r union neges fel bwled gwyllt i Lywodraeth Cymru yn Fae Caerdydd. Dewch i ni, yn ogystal, roi sialens pendant i bob un sy'n honni i fod o blaid Annibyniaeth i Gymru. Mae'n siwr bod yna rhai o 'lu' Yes Cymru wedi llofnodi'r ddeiseb yn barod, ond ymhell o fod yn nifer ddigonol ohonynt fel gellir weld o'r ffigyrau sydd ar y ddeiseb hyd yma, felly, i'r rhai hynny sy'n honni i fod yn ddiffuant o blaid Annibyniaeth i'n gwlad, ddwedai hyn; os nad ydych yn barod i, hyd yn oed, arwyddo deiseb i achub y coleg unigryw yma rhag ei ffawd, pa obaith eich bod am achub Cymru rhag cael ei werthu'n gyfangwbl nes bod dim ar ôl i fod yn annibynol ohono?, felly, rhaid gofyn y cwestiwn mawr, pam disgwyl i ni roi ein ffydd ynoch chi fel 'gwaredwyr Cymru'?

Dangoswch undod a dangoswch ein bod YMA O HYD' o ddifrif drwy wneud y mymryn lleiaf yma a ofynir ohonoch! Os na ellir cyflawni'r mymryn lleiaf yma, dim ond geiriau gwag yw canu YMA O HYD! Efrynaf arnoch unwaith yn ragor, i arwyddo a dosbarthu'r ddeiseb isod, dewch i ni, o leiaf, ddangos ein danedd drwy gael 5,000 o enwau ar y ddeiseb erbyn Chwefror y 14fed. Diolch.

There is but 6 days left before the petition calling for the Welsh Government to save Coleg Harlech ( this unique establishment that has provided an unique experience along with the 'first chance of a higher education to so many of a working class background) expires. To date, there are 2,656 signatures on the petition - and 550 of those have been added in the last 6 days thanks to the concerted efforts of ex- Coleg Harlech students and other sincere friends on social media in pulling all the stops out - which shows what can be achieved if the will is there.

As noted in one of the previous posts, the Welsh Government has changed the goal posts in regards to petition requirements and are now demanding 10,000 signatures on petitions if the subject of a petition is to be considered for discussion on the chamber floor, this is a 50% increase in numbers demanded! Westminster petitions only asks for 10,000 signatures and England, alone, has a population of 56 million to source these signatures from whilst Cymru has a population of just over 3 million!

We must now face the fact that we are not now going to get 7, 300 signatures on the petition in question in the six days left but, if we take into consideration that 550 signatures were added in the last six days, we CAN reach the 5,000 previously demanded by the Welsh Government if, EVERYBODY who reads this plea sits down, puts their thinking caps on and gives an hour of their time to have a good brain bash to see how they can help the cause to get names on that petition in the next six days.

Let's all who are 'for real' in regards to safeguarding unigue establishments such as Coleg Harlech step forth and make a stand for justice for the Coleg that has provided excellent service by signing the petition and ensuring that all those of your acquaintances sign. Let all Cymry who 'really care about our Cymric properties, land anf forestries, send out the message CYMRU IS NOT FOR SALE to all ravaging parasytes by signing the petition and ensuring all your acquaintances sign and, let us fire a similar strong message across the bow of our "so called" ship of Welsh Government down in Bae Caerdydd that we are united in our stand not to tolerate such disregard for unique national treasures such as Coleg Harlech, by signing the pettion and by sending it on to sign by all your acqaintances.

Finally, I will now, in the darkest hours of this unique Colrg, the like of which sons and daughters of the working class are unlikely to ever experience again, plead to those 16 or more thousands 'purporting' to be campaigning for Cymric Independence. a few of this movement have already signed I'm sure but, the number of signatures on the petition illustrates that the majority haven't and, it is to those I will say this... That if you 'Indy soldiers' cannot even be bothered to sign this petition to save this wonderful establishment for continuous use by the working class of our nation, what hope is there that you will save Cymru's imminent fate of being sold off lock, stock and barrel until we have nothing left? I plead with all of you who haven't signed, to sign and pass on to all your acquaintances or, if you don't , why should we support and have faith in your movement?

Show that we are united in this struggle by doing this 'minute' bit that's requested of you because, if you fail to deliver on this to support this establishment in its darkest hour then 'your chants of YMA O HYD' are just meaninless hollow words! Let us at the least show our teeth at last by getting 5,000 names on this petition by 14th February. If Yes Cymru really has 16,000 + members then getting the new demanded quota of 10,000 signatures should be no problem at all. Diolch.