Saturday 5 September 2020




And here's a link to Lammas, the organization that works with the Welsh Government to 'land grab' and create 'eco settlements in Cymru.

This has been going on since, at the least, 2008  and continues to go on whilst indigenous Cymry are unable to financially compete for plots of land or houses in their homeland. So, the indigenous Cymry are reduced to having to settle for either private or housing associations rented properties to live if they wish to stay in their homeland whilst the wealthy outsiders, be they private buyers, capitalist developers or 'eco syndicates' have easy pickings of Cymric land and properties assisted by policies and grants from the Welsh government!

So, having had my eyes opened wide to how many outsiders are assisted to re-locate to Cymru via the One Planet Development Scheme and the TAN 6 policy, I felt strongly that the policy had to change so that only Cymric Indigenous communities could take advantage of it to form syndicates to buy land to build sustainable homes and ventures, such as the 'Hu Gadarn Ventures', in their own land, so, I penned a petition requesting that the Welsh Government change the TAN6 policy to that effect. The petition was rejected on the grounds outlined below:

  Rejected petition

Change the Tan 6 policy to make it applicable to indigenous Cymric communities only.

The Tan 6 policy was established by the Welsh Government in 2008 as a planning document for sustaining rural communities. There is no similar policy in England so, outsiders are taking advantage of the Welsh Government's Tan 6 policy and are pouring into Cymric communities to build houses and start co-operative ventures assisted with funding and planning permissions as outlined in the TAN 6 policy.

More details
Cymru as a nation is in the middle of a major crises and is in great danger of losing its Cymric language and identity as properties and land are being sold and lost for ever at an astounding pace. The Tan 6 policy, as it stands, is seen to be colluding in the wholesale 'selling off' of Cymru so, we, the indigenous Cymry, want the policy revised so that it only applies to indigenous Cymric communities throughout Cymru.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.
Although the Senedd has competence over planning matters and the Welsh Government has the power to amend its planning policies, a change that discriminated on grounds of ethnic or national origin would breach current legislation namely the Equality Act 2010 and the Race Relations Act 1976. This makes it unlawful to discriminate on grounds of race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), and national or ethnic origin.
As a result, it is not possible for the Senedd to take the action called for by your petition.
We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards
Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitt
Of course, I have replied challenging their decision, see my bilingual reply below.

Annwyl Tîm Deisebau’r Senedd,

Heriaf eich penderfyniad i beidio a chyhoeddi ‘r ddeiseb yn gofyn i’r Senedd newid y polisi TAN 6 i’w wneud yn gymwys i gymunedau Cymreig brodorol yn unig am y resymau canlynol:

Y Senedd sydd yn gyfrifol am y polisi

2.  Mae polisi TAN 6, fel mae’n sefyll,  yn  hudo  lluoedd o mewnfudwyr i mewnfudo i gefn gwlad Cymru a manteisio ar y cymorth ariannol sydd i’w gael drwy’r polisi. Does dim polisi fel TAN 6 ar gael yn Lloegr. Felly, mae’r polisi TAN 6 sydd yn un o bolisiau 'TAN'  Llywodraeth Cymru yn anffarfiol i hil y Cymry brodorol sy’n methu’n glir a chystadlu am dŷ na thir yn eu gwlad eu hunain. Mae hyn yn golygu bod Llywodraeth Cymru drwy eu  polisi TAN 6  yn methu yn eu cyfrifoldeb  warchod tir Cymru rhag cael ei gipio gan ddiethriaid ac oherwydd, heriaf eich penderfyniad i  beidio a derbyn a chyhoeddi’r ddeiseb i hynny newid.

Annwyl Petitions Committee, 
I challenge your decision not to publish the petition requesting that the Welsh Government changes the TAN 6 policy so that it can only be applicable to indigenous Cymric communities only, for the following reasons.

1. It is a Welsh Government policy so it is the Welsh Government's responsibility.

2.The TAN 6 policy, as it stands, attracts armies of 'incomers' to relocate to Cymru as they can take advantage of grants awarded through the TAN 6 policy to build their eco homes. There is no TAN 6 policy or similar in England so, this policy, a Welsh Government policy, is disadvantageous to the indigenous Cymry who cannot compete for land or a home in their own land. This means that the Welsh Government, through their TAN 6 policy, are failing in their duty to protect Cymric land from being grabbed by outsiders. So, I challenge your decision to accept and publish the petition to enable a change in the policy.
Yn gywir
Sian Ifan

You couldn't make it up! We have a Welsh Government whose role should be to protect the Cymric nation and its people but, rather than do that, they have laws in place that can allow our land and properties to be pillaged on a large scale! The question needs to be asked, if the Welsh Government is not there to protect our land and properties with policies to that effect and cannot better the lives of ALL Cymric people throughout Cymru WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE WELSH GOVERNMENT?

You will see from the reply they sent above that they refused the petition on the grounds of  that amending its planning policies, would be a change that discriminated on grounds of ethnic or national origin and would breach current legislation namely the Equality Act 2010 and the Race Relations Act 1976. This makes it unlawful to discriminate on grounds of race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), and national or ethnic origin. 

Well, in the first instance, they have broken both of the Acts they quote in their refusal. They have discriminated against the Cymric Race of people by passing laws that do not protect their rights in their homeland and they have broken the 'Equality Act by passing laws that enforce the Cymry to be 2nd class citizens in their own homeland. 

 That means that any any law we want changed anywhere in Cymru to safeguard our indigenous communities, language, culture and traditions will not be changed because of the Equality Act 2010 and the Race Relations Act 1976 according to the Welsh Government! so we, the indigenous Cymry can only expect the right to live as 2nd class citizens and mainly on council or housing associations reservations in our own country whilst, the equality Act 2010 and the Race Relations Act 1976 and our Welsh Government dictates that...CYMRU IS UP FOR SALE TO ONE AND ALL WORLDWIDE!  

In my last post, please read if you havent already done so, I pointed out how the government of the province of Bolzano in Italy has banned both foreigners and Italians from buying holiday homes in the area. Second homes can only be bought by residents who have spent five years living in the region, or those who work locally.

Bolzano, is one example that has done it right in order to protect their community from outside invasion and Guernsey is another location with safeguard policies in place, In St Ives, Cernyw, 2nd homes are not allowed and neither are they in the Lake District and, in East Riding Yorkshire, there is a 500% council tax imposed on 2nd homes and Northumberland have banned new 2nd homes altogether! But, in Cymru, rather than be protected by Welsh Government policies, we are driven towards our genocide as a nation because of them!

The aforementioned petition that the Welsh Government rejected was designed to change the TAN 6 policy to make it applicable to Indigenous Cymric communities only, it was rejected so, its quite clear that the Welsh Government is not working in the interest of Cymru and the indigenous Cymry. The Welsh Government is campaigning to have a further 30 members! they must be having a laugh! Imagine how much extra that would cost the tax payer with all the extra clerks, researchers, aides, secretaries etc on top of the 1000's already employed in the "sham shop" as the 'back up operatives' to the elected members! NO, NO, NO...the campaign that's needed is not for further members for a 'NOT SUITABLE FOR PURPOSE' Government in Bae Caerdydd but for decentralizing the powers from that Welsh Government to the hands of local authorities who know their communities and people so that they can then act on priorities that's suited for the benefit of their communities and people.

England has had a 'Localism Act' in place since 2010 and the guide which can be viewed in the link below is well worth reading and can be used as a template for a similar act for Cymru. In fact, Cymru could become Independent through this act. Each local authority would be autonomous on all decision making associated with their local authority. This would make it much easier for communities to communicate with their local authority and would be in a better position to assure that their local authority is open and transparent in all they do.

The "Sham Assembly has been in place for over 20yrs, had we had a Localism Act in place for this period, we would be well in control of our housing issues now and would NOT have lost our 'crown jewels' such as Plas Glynllifon and Coleg Harlech Colleges,

So, let's forget campaigning for 30 more "sham Senedd" members, let's immediately campaign for a CYMRIC LOCALISM ACT throughout Cymru, this campaign could be led by each local authority throughout Cymru via their local authority council members. LET'S DO IT!

When we look at the serious land and property crises that Cymru is in, with acres and acres of land and properties being bought by outside developers and syndicates on a massive scale along with the holiday home problem - which has now escalated to a new development, where waves of outsiders are buying properties to live in all year round in their bid to escape from a crime and covid-19 ridden England; plus extensive Housing Association Developments and their policies in regards to housing outsiders, and schemes such as the Welsh Government's 'Moving North Wales Forward' plan, we are clearly being assimilated out of existence as Cymry and the fabric of our nation is being torn to shreds with Cymric place names of our villages and homes that once were, being changed into English.

Where does Plaid Cymru "The Party of Wales" stand in all this? They have 10 members in the "sham Senedd" in Bae Caerdydd and their silence in regards to the TAN policies such as TAN 6 and 8, that are destructing our nation is deafening! Their leader in the "Sham Senedd", Adam Price, did recently try to speak up on the need to seek reparation for stolen Cymric land and resources over the centuries but, he meekly backed down and 'apologised' for suggesting such when bullied by his colleagues!

Then, we have the Yes Cymru Movement who claim to have 30,000 paid up members? How many of these have signed my other petition for the Welsh Government to re-purchase Coleg Harlech? They have had great, well attended parades in Caerdydd, Merthyr Tudfil and Caernarfon - and I applaud them for that - and then, of course, the parading came to a halt due to the pandemic restrictions but, I would really like to know what kind of 'Independence' they are marching for? The introduction on their objects page states...

" YesCymru believes in an inclusive citizenship, which embraces the fact that all who choose to make Wales their home – regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation – are full citizens of the new Wales"

Going by that opening statement, the question need to be poised, how many of the 30,000 paid up members claimed by YesCymru are Cymry? We need an honest answer to that because, if they are embracing all newcomers who choose to make Cymru their home then, I'm afraid they are part of the problem! We are not in a situation to be that benevolent! You have only to see what's happening with the Tan 6 policy and the One Planet Development scheme to see how it works. A syndicate of families come and they attract more families, communities are set up and Cymric communities are lost - for ever. Then, there are the other in migrants of various varieties aforementioned and if it continues, we will have nothing left to fight for Independence for!

I, have to state it, for too much is at stake for me not to:

I believe that both Plaid Cymru and the leaders of the YesCymru campaign are very aware to 'which way the wind is blowing' in Cymru and, that we will not win back our Independence or sovereignty as a nation but, they are campaigning for what will suit them as outlined in the YesCymru constitution and that is a Cymru that has 'Dominion Status within the U.K ...

As Yes Cymru states in its constitution:

"YesCymru believes that the two issues of independence and the monarchy are best kept separate. Some who support Welsh Independence, or are indy-curious, may be in favour of keeping the monarchy, whilst others are staunch republicans. One proposal is that the monarchy could be maintained after independence through adopting ‘Dominion’ status, following the historical precedent of countries such as Australia and Canada (where the Queen remains the head of state)."

What about Cymric Sovereignty?

Then the paragraph continues..."   If we did retain the monarchy, even temporarily, the relationship between Wales and the crown would be different, post-independence. Welsh land that is currently owned by the royal family – the Crown Estate – would transfer to the control of the Welsh Government. In 2017-18"

GET REAL YESCYMRU!  Do you really believe that the powers that be and the royal family would just hand over the Crown Estates and all its assets to Cymru ?

There is a lot about economic development and grants etc in the YesCymru maniffesto also  but, I question for whose benefit?. I, for one, am not interested in getting a further 30 members in that "Sham Senedd" or in providing hundreds of additional aide, clerk and secretarial jobs in there for the CRACHACH of Caerdydd whether they be Cymry or incomers. Nor am I interested in a watered down Independence that has Dominion status but no sovereignty and neither am I interested in any Independence that is going to be filling the pockets of the 'luvvies', that have not shown a grain of interest in the Cymric Independence cause in the past but are now seen to be flooding to support and march with YesCymru in the hope of getting some grants and gigs. And Plaid Cymru, who has avoided the "I" word for decades is now fully in support in the hope that they are assured all these extra YESCYMRU votes in the upcoming local and general elections.

I, for one, wish to see a fully Independent Sovereign Cymru with full control over the destiny of its communities and people assisted by a Localism Act that can assure that the Cymry have the means and the equal rights to be able to purchase their home and thrive economically in their own community or in any part of Cymru if they wish to. I don't want the prevailing situation to continue where they are forced into council or housing association reservations with no other choice as is happening to the indigenous peoples of America and Palestine and many other places in this world..

My call to Cymru is to forget any elections for further members for that "Sham Senedd" in Bae Caerdydd and I call upon Plaid Cymru, the WNP, YesCymru, and GWLAD GWLAD to unite together in a NATIONAL LAND AND LIBERTY STRUGGLE before there is none of neither left. The spotlight should be on campaigning for a LOCALISM ACT for Cymru so that such policies as the TAN 6 and 8 and the ODP policies can be bought under the control of each local authority. The NATIONAL LAND AND LIBERTY STRUGGLE will also campaign for the return of stolen lands' and for reparation for the loss of minerals and other resources such as water.

To end, the TAN 8 policy sanctioned the planting of gigantic windmills all over Cymru and we in a group called 'ADFEDDIANT CYMRU campaigned against such. The following YouTube film is of Gethin ap Gruffydd delivering a campaigning speech on Mynydd y Gwair, 'stolen land' near Abertawe. Enjoy!

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