Monday 4 January 2021


The Welsh Government has now moved the goal post in regards to the number of signatures needed on petitions for an issue to have any chance of being discussed in the Chamber, they have doubled the numbers of signatures needed from 5000 to 10,000! Their reasoning given is that it is because of an "unprecedented increase in the number of petitions" put forward and accepted and because of a reduction in Senedd debating time during the coronavirus pandemic.

How undemocratic is that? The Petition Committee vetoes all petitions put forward for acceptance or not, in any case, and as for the "reduction in Senedd debating time during the coronavirus pandemic" put forward as a reason for the change, well, the pandemic is 'temporary' hopefully, and will not take up debating time in the chamber for ever so, that reasoning behind the change in regards to the petition rules  is extremely weak. This move is most certainly not a good example of democracy in practice and, at the least, the 5,000 quota of signatures criteria rule called for before the decision to change that criteria to a need for 10,000 signatures, should be honoured on petitions accepted and already active prior to the decision being made to change the rule.

On my latest check this morning, the number of signatures on the petition for the Welsh Government to re-purchase and refurbish Coleg Harlech to be put back into use as an educational and skill training establishment is 2,119, pretty pathetic considering that ex students who really care about the desperate plights of the college has been 'active' in passing the petition on worldwide but, let's face it, Cymru is a nation of 3.15 million so out of that, why has it proved so difficult to even reach the 5000 quota of signatures originally needed on that petition to have any hope of having such an important issue discussed in the Welsh Government chamber? 

The issue is one which should worry any person in Cymru, regardless of their political affiliation if, they are genuinely concerned about equal educational and skill training for one and all in a nation that has suffered mass unemployment and social deprivation for decades.     

What is the point of  Welsh Government member and Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price promising to call for a referendum on Cymric Independence if he wins in the forthcoming Welsh Government election in May this year, if he and Plaid Cymru cannot be bothered to seriously get to grips with the task of protecting and saving what's left of our land, resources and the historical structures that encompasses all and everything that would make the case for Cymric Independence strong and justifiable? Our land, forestries and mineral resources have been plundered for centuries by one invader after another prior to greedy capitalists pushing their way through to the pigs trough to devour their share of the spoils. 

During the middle ages, we, like other small nations, had valiant warrior leaders to lead struggles to protect our land from marauders but since the dawning of the modern political age, the continuing robbing of  Cymru has continued to unprecedented heights by the deployment of insidious ways that has, more than often, been facilitated with the assistance of those elected to office on the basis of  manifestos of promises which became a distant memory of theirs once they had been elected. 

The struggle for Cymric Independence has been in a state of continuity since the mysterious disappearance of our last warrior leader Tywysog Owain Glyndŵr in the early 15th century, and it was a great time of rejoicing in the Cymric nationalist community when the referendum for a Cymric Assembly was won in 1997 as it was viewed as the firsr major step towards achieving Independence through constitutional means but, following the Welsh Assembly being in existence for 23 yrs, the question is poised, how nearer are we towards achieving the aim of an Independent Cymry?

As I witness what is happening in Cymry today, I can confidently state that we are further away from achieving that ultimate aim than we have ever been.  The Welsh Assembly has been operating in Bae Caerdydd as a 'puppet administration of the British State since 1999 and yes, in that time, it may have been thrown the 'occasional' crumb' off the British State table (such as powers to make laws in defined areas - but certainly not in tax raising) to keep the members pacified but, in reality, the powers given has mainly assisted the members to devise schemes such as OPD (Open Planet Development) and TAN this, that and the other  (look these up on the Welsh Government website) which facilitates our Cymric land to be, both, grossly colonized by outsiders seeking to set up ' green settlement communities',  and exploited and despoiled by Capitalist Housing and so called 'green energy Wind Farm  Developers. Such schemes are given millions in financial assistance from the Welsh Government's meagre 'crumbs off the table purse', should not this money be better used to resolve unemployment and to tackle the overall poverty that has been so prevalent in Cymru for centuries. 

This should not and would not be the case if we had true Independence where we, ourselves, could capitalize on the benefit of our beautiful country and its glorious landscape, historical and cultural heritage and resources to get our nation back on its feet as a nation and people to be proud of but, that dream will but remain a wishful dream whilst we continue to be 'hoodwinked' by the British State and its 'self serving lackies' in that "Sham" of a Welsh Government in Bae Caerdydd.

We cannot expect anything different from the Tory, Labour, Lib Dems and UKIP members down in that "so called" Welsh Government as they are declared 'servers' of their British parties first and foremost but, those of us who have always been supportive of the ideal of Cymric Independence and who had supported Plaid Cymru as the only Cymric nationalist political party that could deliver that ideal, had expected that party to place Independence as the ultimate permanent aim on top of their agenda when they, as a group, took their seats in that Assembly in 1999 but, sadly, unlike the SNP who has remained persistent and vocal to their aim of Independence, above all else. since they were founded and, then, continued in their persistance in delivering that ultimate aim in their counterpart Scottish Parliament, it appears that sustaining their own positions had become the ultimate aim for the Plaid Cymru members in the Welsh Government, with Independence' becoming an 'undesirable' and 'unmentionable' word in their vocabulary until, they witnessed the massive support that the Scots were drumming up for a referendum in recent years and now, just like Saul on the road to Damascus, Adam Price as the present leader of Plaid Cymru "has seen the light" - or potential votes, and the 'Party of Wales' is now in support of Independence once more with Adam declaring that Plaid will call for a referendum if he wins in the next Welsh Government election!  

But, 'if' Adam wins and 'if' a referendum for Cymric Independence was called and 'if'' it was won, who and what in Cymru would benefit? Can Plaid genuinely deliver on providing employment and adequate training for ALL of a working age in Cymru with adequate wages that will enable every family to buy their own homes? Will Plaid devise and deliver 'fool-proof' policies that will seriously restrict the purchasing of properties by outsiders to be used as 2nd or holiday homes? Will Plaid scrap the Welsh Government's current TAN 6 and TAN 8 guidelines and policies that only serve to allow a whole new wave of colonialisation of Cymru and the total destruction of our land and historic landscape with dangerous and rotting wind farm constructions that are of minute benefit in energy terms but great in revenue benefits to the outsider capitalist companies that constructs them? Will an Independent Cymric Government vigorously campaign for the restoration of Cymric lands currently known as Crown lands and will it vigorously campaign for remuneration for Cymric land and resources 'taken' and exploited over centuries in Cymru? 

The above are but a few of very necessary questions that need to be answered if we are to campaign for 'true' Independence that will benefit every Cymric citizen, for, the record of the Welsh Government's performance to date is sound proof that it is NOT working to improve the lives of the majority of Cymry one iota but is working well to assist further colonialisation of Cymru and the 'selling off' of all the land and resources that are left! 

 During 2020, the whole world has been engaged in battle against the Covid-19 Pandemic which has, of necessity,  demanded urgent priority over any other cause but now at the beginning of 2021, as the world has finally got the weaponry to fight and keep the Covid virus under control by means of the rolling out of two anti virusus, to date, with others on the horizon, it is hoped that, in due course, life will return to some sort of pre pandemic normality but, in the Cymric context, I hope that 'normality' does not mean back to the 'status quo' situation of a 'banana republic' run by an undemocratic self serving 'puppet  government' of the British State located in Bae Caerdydd.

 Its time an all important question was poised, is Plaid Cymru, as a party, 100% genuine in their support for Cymric Independence and in now fighting for such for the right reasons or, is this new 'awakening' on their behalf related to the growth in the Indy and 'Yes Cymru' movement and a quest for new members for the party and an increase in votes at elections?  I would suggest that if Plaid Cymru and the Indy movement are genuinely serious about fighting for Cymric Independence, then it has to be in a quest to improve the lives of 'all' the Cymric people and should not be, merely, about fishing for votes or, about getting another 30 members and further administration positions for a "sham Senedd" or provision of more 'grants on tap' for Crachach friends.

If Plaid Cymru and the present Indy movement are genuine in their quest for Cymric Independence then they must put the cause of Cymry and the Cymric people above all else. They must campaign to ensure that Cymric land and resources are not sold wholesale, as is currently happening right under our noses with Welsh Government approval and assistance. Policies should be put into place to greatly restrict the purchasing of Cymric properties that can be put to use by the Cymry - be that housing, farms or establishments such as Colegau Harlech and Glynllifon. Cymric history, culture and language should be compulsory parts of the Cymric curriculum above any other history, culture or language, and all symbolisms of Britishness, such as the Union and the Tudor rags and the Ich Dien feathers, should be abolished from use in Cymru as part of freeing our nation and its people from the chains of colonialism.

Supporting other causes is commendable but, what nation would campaign to have another people's history compulsory taught in their schools before their own  if they are serious about fighting for Independence?  Now, and 'if' and after we achieve Independence, Cymric history matters very much in Cymru, it is what has made us the nation we are and should always command priority in being taught above all other histories.

It was revealed three weeks ago that the Cymric actor Michael sheen had returned the  OBE he had recieved in 2009, it is so refreshing to see this, a Cymro rejecting these badges' of servility' to the British State. Sadly, Michael is in a minority, so far, in doing so but I applaud him loudly for, as I have continuously stressed, freeing ourselves of such shackles is very necessary if we are serious about achieving Independence.

 Michael is from a working class background and environment, is very aware of his nation's history and has come out as being pro Independence. It would be wonderful if he would now be prepared to vanguard the battle to save Coleg Harlech and the wonderful theatre that's part of the complex. of an unique instutition of further education that was established in 1927 for the purpose of enabling a chance for so many mature students from a working class background to continue with their education and achieve qualifications that would, in turn, enable and assist them to follow their dreams to the four corners of the globe, producing engineers, authors, professors and actors such as Robert Pugh and John Pierce Jones to mention but a few.

 Coleg Harlech was sold by the WEA about 5yrs ago, THIS SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN! It has been sold again but, there is a petition open until February 14 requesting that the Coleg be bought by compulsory order so that it can be put back into use as an educational and skill working establishment for the unemployed of Cymru. Here is the link for those who wish to sign the petition:

There is only 5 weeks left to get the, now, necessary 10,000 signatures needed on that petition to have the purchase ordered discussed in the Senedd chamber  and if Plaid Cymru and the Indy movement, who is boasting to have at the least 16,000 members, is genuinely concerned about the plight of the uneducated, unemployed of Cymru,  then getting the necessary number of signatures on the petition by February 14th should not be a problem should it? But, if Plaid Cymru and the Indy movement do not step up to the mark for this importnat issue of saving such an unique historical educational establishment for our nation then the prognosis for a 'true' sovereign independent Cymru is far from being good.